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Iridescent shadows is inspired by the subjective and volatile nature of human perspective.

It refers to the human processing of memory, particularly the revisiting of unpleasant experiences that are later viewed in a more positive light, as well as the selective filtering of moments of pleasure, joy and/or happiness from an unpleasant experience.

The piece also seeks to explore the concept behind iridescence, where surfaces appear to undergo a gradual shift in colour by varying our angle of perspective due to multiple reflections from two or more semi-transparent surfaces which overlap, interfere and cause a modulation of light.

Toh Yan Ee

Toh Yan Ee is a young Singaporean composer pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree in Music Composition at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music (YST), National University of Singapore, under the tutelage of Ho Chee Kong and Adeline Wong.

Yan Ee is a recipient of Concertia Emerging Composers Fellowship 2021-22, Runner-Up Prize at the Black Bayou Composition Award 2021, and Special Mention at AMAT International Women Composers Competition 2021. Her music has been performed in Singapore, Thailand, and the USA.

Yan Ee’s music is inspired by nature – both the phenomena of the physical world, as well as the nature of life. She hopes that her music can spark a change in the lives of listeners, whether it be big or small, and encourage them to spark a change in the lives of others as well.

Besides composing, Yan Ee is a pianist and chorister, and often arranges for choral and acapella groups. She is also interested in arts management, and is keen to explore curation and marketing of projects in the arts. Yan Ee is an active member of the Composers Society of Singapore.

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