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The composition “Yizkerem” is for an A-cappella Choir (SATB) and deals with the tragedy of the Holocaust for the Jewish nation.

I will not forget the chilling story I heard about the murder of Jews in the concentration camp in Estonia, when the truck that took them to be shot by the Nazis returned to the camp. On the side of the empty truck was an inscription written with a finger dipped in blood: “They are killing us, Take revenge!”

There are mortal sins that are not forgiven, and even in the holy texts can be found legitimacy for the act of revenge that doesn’t bear the inconceivable human tragedy.

Despite this, the purpose of the work is not only to express feelings and to sanctify the memory of those who perished, but mainly for the sake of remembering. So that there will never again occur tragedies like this and we will live in a world that raises the banner of peace and brotherhood of nations. Is this to be a vision only?

Bracha Bdil

Bracha Bdil (1988), composer, conductor and pianist, is a member of the Israel Composers’ League and her works are published by the Israel Music Institute. Her repertoire includes orchestral music, chamber, vocal and electronic music, as well as music for dance and theater.

Bracha was awarded the 2019-2020 ACUM Award, Israel, and was chosen as one of the composers in representing Israel at the Asian Composers League Festival, Taiwan (2018).

She won first prizes in the Competition named after Michal Kleofas Oginski, Belarus. The “Electo Silva”, Santiago de Cuba (2021). The Wolf Durmashkin Composition Award, Germany (2018) and the Yardena Alotin Competition, Israel (2016).

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