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This piece was written especially for María Elena Derenzi, a great Argentine cellist (from the city of Rosario), a dear friend of many years and a fervent and enthusiastic disseminator of contemporary music.

The work was composed to be premiered at the “35th Contemporary Music Symposium”, organized by Ensamble Rosario in November 2019, and is dedicated to her.


The picture belongs to Adriana Patricia Canero
 “Sueños del árbol”,  Tec. tintas.

Marisol Gentile

-Degree in Composition, Prof of Composition and Technique in Harmony and Counterpoint.

Her catalog includes works for solo instruments, chamber groups, symphonic orches with and without soloists, and works for a cappella mixed choir and with instrumental accompaniment. Since 2002, she has been a member of the SGAE (Spain). She has obtained the “Creation Stimulus Award” awarded by the SGAE Foundation on more than 10 occasions. She is a member of Argentine societies of composers: UNACOM and AAC, and the Red de Compositoras Latinoamericanas.

-Music and artistic director of the Rosario Ensemble, Center for Studies for the Diffusion of Contemporary Music, an organization that she founded in 1996.

-Integrant of different groups as violinist, violist and soprano

-Director of:

  • the Orquesta del Ensamble Rosario (for the diffusion of contemporary music, with 25 years of activity)
  • the Instrumentalia Group (Baroque group that she founded in 2006)
  • the Chamber Orchestra of the Rosario University
  • the String Camerata of the Municipality of Victoria, Entre Ríos
  • the mixed chamber choir “Los Fulanos”
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Accademia Musica Arte Teatro S.r.l.

Impresa Sociale
Partita Iva.: 01497330520
Codice Fiscale: 92069370523