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Winner piece at femfestival 2021

EC Sketches, is a movement depicting the different seasons in Eau Claire.
The music starts with the low rumbling of sound and gradually expands the register as well as incorporates different families of the orchestra to create chords in distant spacings. In this initial section, different performance techniques were employed in order to imitate the various sounds in the nature. The lyricism then dominates the music in the next section with accompaniment of flowing lines.
The movement ends with a full bloom of the sound and grand gestures.

Chiayu Hsu

Born in Banqiao, Taiwan, Chiayu is an associate professor of composition at UW-Eau Claire. She was the winner of numerous awards and grants, and has been commissioned by various ensembles.  Her works have been performed by orchestra, chamber ensembles, and soloists in Australia, Asia, America, and Europe.

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Accademia Musica Arte Teatro S.r.l.

Impresa Sociale
Partita Iva.: 01497330520
Codice Fiscale: 92069370523